Bobble Bottle

I am constantly being told to drink more water!! Apparently 10 cups of tea a day doesn’t count.

It is boring, I never remember and I don’t want to buy bottled water because you are inviting supermarkets to rob you when you spend money on something that comes out of the tap, not to mention the environmental effects.

So when I discovered the Bobble it solved all my problems.

The Bobble bottle is BPA free, these are the nasty chemicals used to make plastic bottles, and incorporated in the spout is a chlorine and organic contaminant filter. Each filter cleans the equivalent of 300 bottles of water, or 150 litres.

The design is great, the filter is replaceable, so fill it with tap water and get drinking!

Available in Heals and on Amazon – £10.99, replacement filter £7.99.


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